Archive for May, 2013

Photo of the week: Mourning Cloak, and Update on GreenLeaf Imaging

Friday, May 24th, 2013

If you’ve noticed a lull in posts or new photos (which I’d be surprised if anyone did, I don’t know of anyone who regularly checks this blog, but if you do tell me!), I’ve just been busy with academic projects. I’ll get back on track soon and hopefully have something cool to show for it!

And since late is better than never, here’s a Mourning Cloak Butterfly. Camera settings: 1/400s, f/3.5, ISO: 200, 239mm, used a HOYA +1 close up filter, then cropped, reduced noise, sharpened butterfly.

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

Photo of the week: Spiny lizard

Sunday, May 5th, 2013


A few weeks ago (April 2013) I saw this lizard on a log in my backyard (in Southern California). I’m not sure of the species but I believe it is a type of Spiny Lizard. Taken in shaded afternoon sunlight with my Canon PowerShot SX40 HS at 1/20s, f/5.8, ISO: 400, 875mm.

Copyright © Ariel Lepor. Just contact me if you want to buy the photo as a print or a gift or a digital copy or something!